Does someone has any information or may be can guide me from where I can get detail about the Indonesian labour laws for house maid who work in UAE. Currently I am working in Indonesia and my Indonesian house maid is working with us. I want to recruit/hire her to UAE (sharjah). 1- Is there any minimum salary/wages set/defined for the maids who wants to work in UAE/Sharjah . 2- Any medical, annual leaves or any other benefit which is decided by Indonesian govt. 3-Any other formalities/procedure which need to be carried out before recruiting any house maid. Appreciate if some one can guide me. thanks
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It's UAE law which will govern the wages, terms and conditions for employment of a foreign worker. The employer of a foreign worker is typically responsible for 100% of any necessary medical care while the worker is in the foreign country. If you are being transferred to Sharjah, check with your employer about whether you can obtain visas for a housemaid. Your employment contract may prohibit you from hiring foreign workers and bringing them to the country where you are being assigned. Your company does not want to be held liable for your housemaid! Since you are not a company and not a citizen of the UAE, you may have difficulty obtaining a visa for household employee. Also, middle eastern recruiters have a bad rep in Indonesia. Many housemaids brought from Indon or Phil. to the ME have been abused, and both Indon & Phil have restrictions on maids going to a number of countries. I don't know if UAE is currently on their "list" or not. If you do succeed in getting your maid a visa to UAE, remember you are liable for the Indonesian exit tax. Not sure if it is still Rp. 150,000.